Let’s meet in East Sweden

East Sweden is perfectly located, a midpoint between Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. Trains, planes and motorway converge here, and Linköping and Norrköping attract visitors, new residents, companies and investors from both Sweden and abroad. With Linköping and Norrköping the demands of a large city are met, at the same time they are small enough to feel that everything needed is within easy reach.

We are strong in high tech with Saab at the forefront, and we are proud of Linköping University and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, which offers outstanding education and research. Companies are created and grow here in close cooperation with the expertise of the university. Östergötland, with Linköping and Norrköping as growth engines, is ranked as one of Sweden’s leading logistics locations. We have access to all four modes of transport, with two international airports to take you here.

East Sweden is within reach.
Experiences and opportunities within reach.
Within reach for you.

Norrköping & Linköping - two cities in one
5 international airports in a 5min - 2,5 h distance
Venues for 1,300 seated guests
3,800 hotel rooms
Public transportation is 100% fossil free
7 international congresses in East Sweden 2019